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No New Posts ! announcements !

For all those important messages that you shouldn't be missing. And for those little random things we staff feel like shouting out.

1 1 Koss Auditions
by # M o r f i e
Sept 22, 2011 12:59:30 GMT
No New Posts information point

For all you interested in joining the site, everything you ever needed to know. And for those of you who just like to pry, because curiosity is a wonderful thing.

5 5 Credits
by # M o r f i e
Nov 26, 2011 21:12:23 GMT
No New Posts the clubhouse

The staff board, where we discuss our plans for world domination. Mwuahahaha.... ha?

Moderator: # M o r f i e

4 32
No New Posts playing god

Think you're ready to make your character? Here's the forum to do it in. It doesn't have an annoying password or anything like that, but I still expect you to have thoroughly read the rules.

1 1 That All Important Form
by # M o r f i e
May 3, 2011 19:19:50 GMT
No New Posts yo, you're in

Oh joy! You're now part of the gang, woohoo for you. Feel free to keep these updated and add log posts and stuff like that.

Sub-boards: Lone Wolves, Western, Northern, Southern, Eastern

4 4 She-who-bites
by She-who-bites
Sept 18, 2011 19:53:17 GMT
No New Posts gossip !

Chat to your hearts content. Play games, show off your pictures and other interesting stuff. Remember LOA and Proboard rules.

Sub-boards: Art, Tables

1 1 test
by # M o r f i e
Oct 9, 2011 17:56:23 GMT
No New Posts adoption

Have a character you don't want anymore? Or do you want to adopt a character? Also, you can adopt out relative positions. More information inside.

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No New Posts : locked :

The key's under the flowerpot next to the mat.

Moderator: # M o r f i e

13 28


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No New Posts Warground

Such dark desolation, a barren place touched only by dusty winds. Bones lay scattered around, bleached by years of sun and wind. There's a terrifying scent upon the air, death, blood, fear and absolute despair. Who would frequent such a place but those with violence on the mind and adrenaline coursing through their body. Welcome to hell...

Moderator: # M o r f i e

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No New Posts Storks' Hut

A little wooden hut nestled next to a pretty river bank. Idyllic and apt, for this is the home of the Stork. The bird associated with birth and babies, she will take the info you give her and generate your litter stats. The Stork Account is only accessible to staff members. Please use the forms provided and don't kick up a fuss if you don't get what you want. It's a game of chance.

Moderator: # M o r f i e

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No New Posts The Old Tree

A massive tree stands in the middle of a small wood, towering over it's fellow trees like a magnificent pillar of strength. It's trunk is gnarled and scarred, weathered and worn from decades of survival. Trinkets and bones lay scattered around its' roots, left by countless creatures in reverence of its' might. While you may come and offer your own little offering, this is not a place for idle chat or bloody battle. This is the earthbound home of the Immortals.

Moderator: # M o r f i e

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No New Posts Krandau Range

The Krandau Range of mountains is the main focal point for the northern side of LOA. Wreathed in icy mist, the mountains are a breathtaking sight, eye catching and magnificent. Climbing them, however, is another matter. The sides are almost constantly battered by a biting wind, snow falls much of the time and avalanches are a common sight. For the adventurer skilled enough to reach the peak however, the prize is worth it. The whole of the north lays bare, mountains, rivers, lakes and forests open for the eyes to see. And, so high up, you are closer to the Immortals, perhaps even close enough for a chance meeting....

Sub-board: The Sprung Spring

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No New Posts Sivviski Lake

The water in this massive lake is crystal clear and icy cold, a stunning vista with the magnificent Krandau Mountains as a backdrop. The lake only seems to freeze in the worst of the winter weather, when it's possible to walk from one side to the other. Though due to the size of the lake, it would take several days and the ice isn't always as thick as it should be... Several unique fish and other creatures can be found here and no-where else, giving the inhabitants a choice of rather... unique Totems.

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No New Posts Skartan Tundra

Around the base of the mountain range and the sides of the lake lays the Skartan Tundra. A vast expanse of snow covered flatland, the Tundra is a harsh and unforgiving place. Almost constantly buffeted by an icy wind and hit by blizzards more often than not, it takes a brave soul to cross the barren surface. It is, however, the only way to reach the lake and the best way to find food. Bison herds often cross the Tundra for their own water.

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No New Posts The Silver Forest

So named for the unique silver-grey bark on its' trees, The Silver Forest is an eerie and forbidding place. To those new to the north, the forest can seem daunting and perhaps, haunted, but to those who live here, it is a place of shelter and safety. Apart from deep within the mountains, the forest is the warmest place in the north, the thin silver pines offering more protection than the open tundra or icy lake.

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No New Posts Lunaia Coast

The central area of the East, a long sheltered beach that lies open only to the ocean. The perfect place for large meetings or celebrations, and the place where wolves of the water and wolves of the land can come together.

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No New Posts Ke'Shal Reefs

The central hunting grounds for the marine wolves and one of the most breathtaking places anywhere. Semi tropical welcoming waters and brightly colored fish have many land wolves somewhat envious of their water dwelling cousins.. a few even ask for a trip to see the reefs, even once.

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No New Posts Eagle's Reach

Stretching from far northwest to wrap a sheltering arm around Lunaia, Eagle's Reach is riddled with caves and caverns. An extension of the Krandau Range, it boarders the shore for miles before reaching Lunaia.

Sub-board: The Amaranthine Deeps

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No New Posts Teivo Woodlands

The central hunting ground for the land wolves, Teivo is a wood that stretches over quite a few acres, but isn't too thickly forested. The water table doesnt go down far enough to support large trees, and the storm season takes any who make it to any noticeable size. While lightly shaded, Teivo still gives the impression of an overly large meadow and romping ground.

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No New Posts Al Diral Desert

So vast one cannot see from end to end, the Al Diral Desert is as inhospitable as they come. The sun beats down relentlessly, there seems to be only sand, sand and more sand, no life appears on the surface. The Desert, however, is not entirely barren. If you know where to look, you can survive. There is water in various oases, lizards scuttle through the sand and occasionally, great plagues of locusts swarm through the land, providing a rare bounty of food. Life is hard in Al Diral, but it isn't impossible.

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No New Posts Adhimu Savannah

Situated around the River of Life, Adhimu is the liveliest place in the south. Adhimu means 'brilliant,glorious' and the Savannah certainly is a wonder. Compared to the sandy desert Adhimu is full of life and activity, drama plays out every day and creatures come and go. Life is hard here, but there is never a dull moment, surrounded by elephants, lions, gazelle, zebras and various other creatures.

Sub-board: The River of Life

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No New Posts Uwingu Ridge

Close to the Savannah, Uwingu Ridge is a rocky, mountainous area, hot, sandy and sparsely vegetated. High above the lower grounds it provides an uninterrupted view of most of the south. Fierce, warm winds and regular sandstorms dust the ridge, making it a dangerous and dirty place, but the rocky ridge face does provide some of the best shelter in the South.

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No New Posts Jib'rangyu Jungle

Far, far down in the South lays the Jib'rangyu Jungle. It's a strange occurrence, as close to the rest of the arid south as it is. The jungle is hot, wet and humid, stifling to those unused to such an environment. It does, however, hold some very unique fauna and flora, providing for a habitat that's never short of activity.

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No New Posts Elwarsila Meadows

Elwarsila Meadows is said to be one of the most picturesque places on LOA. Bordered by the Little Willow River, the grass is lush and green, the skies commonly blue and clear. The weather rarely gets any worse than a little thirst-quenching rain or a whispering breeze, colourful flowers grow amongst the green and a herd or two of deer can be found meandering nearby.

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No New Posts Little Willow River

The Little Willow River is set just beside the Elwarsila Meadows and Golden Woods. It's a merry little river, fresh and full of fish. In summer it's shaded and cool, in winter it's refreshing and clear. Many wolves enjoy taking a bath in the river, or playing games with pack mates. Friendly, talkative otters can also be found here and are generally left unharmed.

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No New Posts Golden Woods

Just like the Elwarsila River, the Golden Woods are beautiful. They are light and airy, full of old oaks and misty glades, flowery clearings and young saplings. Deer frolic through the pathways and rabbits dance over the leaves, all in all it's a peaceful and plentiful place. A place for puppies to play without fear of harm and elders to live out the ends of their days.

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No New Posts Arsaidh Muir

As the land of the west rises into the cold clouds, the ground turns into moor and eventually becomes the Arsaidh Muir. The ground is sparse and a dirty shade of yellow, the wind is cold and the only green is gorse and heather. Occasionally great heaps of rock jut out of the grounds, forming unique and often precarious tors, the best place to hide from the worst of the weather.

Sub-board: Eternal Cavern

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